I don’t know about you, but this past week…this past month…okay 2019 has been a whirlwind of change! Weeks have been busy, weekends have been busy. There’s no complaints here, but when life is moving so fast, it’s easy to forget to recover, or what it means to restart your week rather than keep sprinting on the never ending hamster wheel that is being ‘busy’.

Here’s Where I Should Be Talking Coffee Science, But Instead…

I could be speaking to the void here, but I am a very routine person, within that if there is space in the routine I tend to infuse some spontaneity so that I don’t stop moving. On top of an amazing and busy week of consistent 4:30AM alarms, tons of interacting, lifting, moving, thinking, planning, and training; there would be the ‘downtime’ which turned into ‘catch-up ‘ time. Catch up with a friend, run an errand, do some writing, scheduling, packing, planning. The list just ran, and these are all great things. But today especially we are encouraged to run and run and run and run to succeed. If you take a breath, you fall behind. In reality, you find time to take a breath, and you gain an opportunity, experience, memories and most importantly a fresh start.

A camping trip this past weekend had been cancelled due to bad road conditions. This meant the entire weekend had nothing scheduled. Wide open. I could’ve created some tasks to get a head start on the week, but advised by our team and close friends, this was the time to take it easy. Almost like it was meant to be.

Roll With It

Girl reading on picnic bench. Empty campsite near by. GSI percolator over campfire and Devil's Head mug in foreground.

I still had a container packed for camping, so with a book and some clothes ready for whatever Alberta weather came my way, I packed my car and drove out to Kananaskis with very little of a plan or schedule. As for a goal; something quiet, which with tourists claiming the weekend out in K-country, it could prove quite a challenge. After a stop here and there to scope out some parks and rest areas, I was about ready to turn around and try to find a haven back in the city. With one last look at a winding back road, I found it. Layered with hills, creeks, fire pits, and a lovely trail down to the river for some rafting, I had found a completely empty zone and I felt as if I had won the lottery.

Slow it Down

GSI Percolator over campfire.
GSI Camping Percolator

If you know much about making coffee over a fire using a percolator, you’ll know it requires time, patience, and attention. Get a fire started, wait for water to boil, dose and hand grind the beans, watch for the first signs of extraction and monitor the process, pouring your carefully made cup of forest coffee. It feels ceremonious, celebratory, and slows everything down.

I hope this serves as more of a reminder how some time set aside to break the patterns of running weeks into months into years with minimal breathers. And if work is involved with rest, let it be work you enjoy.

NOW! I’ve taken some time away from the point; It’s time to return to all things coffee! If you’d like to see the process of percolated coffee over a campfire, keep an eye out on our socials as some fun work followed me along and a video will be coming from it.


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Email: [email protected]
