


Bay 5, 5700 Barlow Trail SE, Calgary, Alberta T2C 1Z9

Invoice Number DHC0702
Batch Number
Order Number 25830
Invoice Date September 12, 2023
Due Date September 19, 2023
Total Due $0.00
Billing address
Western Canada Coffee Company
Mark Smith
Box 38
Whitecourt AB T7S 1N3
Shipping address
Mark Smith
100 Nolan Hill Heights
Calgary AB T3R 0S5
Qty Item Price Sub Total
35 lb Coffee
Bean: Decaf
Grind: Whole Bean
205 lb Coffee
Bean: Nicaragua
Grind: Whole Bean
305 lb Coffee
Bean: Peru
Grind: Whole Bean
10Oatley Barista Oat Milk
201 lb Coffee
Bean: Peru
Grind: Whole Bean
101 lb Coffee
Bean: Blend - Alberta Jam
Grind: Whole Bean
71 lb Coffee
Bean: Blend - Morning Rise
Grind: Whole Bean
31 lb Coffee
Bean: Decaf
Grind: Whole Bean
51 lb Coffee
Bean: Nicaragua
Grind: Whole Bean
Shipping:$325.00 via Shipping, Empty Bags with Labels
GST (5%):$43.75
Payment method:Pay via Invoice

Pay by cheque or e-transfer to [email protected]